The Office of Resilience's work focuses on risk prevention, reducing vulnerabilities and adapting to socio-economic and environmental challenges. This last aspect is complementary to emergency planning in order to further develop the resilience of a city.
During Phase I, the Resilience Office will:
These five analyses will be used in determining work to be performed during Phase 2.
In Phase 2, the Resilience office was mandated to focus on a combination of technical assessments and stakeholder engagement aimed at developing the Strategy and its action Plan. During this phase, the Office deepened its analysis along the lines of research established in Phase 1. A first five-year action plan targets four major orientations, 12 objectives and 30 actions implemented in the Strategy.
6-9 months
The 100RC Resilience Strategy Process is a 6-9 month effort led by the CRO to develop a roadmap to resilience for the city.